Dance Reflection Essay

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Dance Reflection I think I did quite well in this unit, considering that I have had minimal experience with dance and that I generally do not quite like it. For our group’s lesson, zumba, I largely took part in researching the dance and deciding which moves we were going to teach. We took the moves from several videos on YouTube and put them together in an order that made sense. Since none of us had really done much zumba before, none of us knew what to do, and so we had to learn the moves from someone. So, we used the internet. The routine came out fairly well, even though it was perhaps a bit short. If we could have added two or three steps, and maybe made a few steps a little harder, the routine would have been very good. However, in the actual lesson, I did not do too much. I think this happened because we were five people in our group, which was bit much. If we would have been fewer, each person could have gotten to do more. Also, the facts that there were not that many moves to show and we had not really planned who was going to say what, added to me not doing much. I tried to help those who needed help individually, but I did not really teach the whole class anything. In the end though, I think we taught the dance quite well, because the other students seemed to understand and ended up doing the dance quite well. However, it would have been a bit surprising if they could not do it, since it was a very simple routine. If we would have made it more difficult, more people may have had problems. I am not a big fan of dance, but I tried to do my best for most of the dances. There were some dances that I just really disliked, which did not exactly increase my motivation. So, for them I did not really try that much. I tried to still be respectful and not be a problem to those that did enjoy those particular dances,

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