Dalit Autobiograpy -a Critical Reading

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Dalit literature is precisely the literature which artistically portrays the sorrows, tribulations, slavery, degradation, riducles and poverty endured by dalits. These literatures show revolutionary mentality connected with struggles. In another sense it is the literature of dalit life or the reality of dalit day to day incidents. In “Towards an Aesthetics of Dalit Literature” Sarankumar Limbale theorises that dalit literature is the writings about Dalits by Dalit writers with a Dalit consciousness. This form of Dalit literature is inherent in its Dalitness, and its purpose is obvious to inform Dalit society of its slavery, and narrate its pain and suffering to upper caste Hindus”. Dalit writings use the biographical or autobiographical form to narrate the Dalit experience. Bama does it in great detail. Her language, in Karukku and Sangati, becomes crude, sharp, impure and uncivil. Bama reproduces every day to day dalit details especially Paraya community’s deliberately through a language that is opposite of the language of the upper class or caste. Writing is always a complicated and often mysterious process. The book “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” speaks women love to talk, whereas men prefer action to words. Women view talking as a way of connecting with others emotionally, whereas men treat conversation either as a practical tool or a competitive sport. But in autobiography especially in Dalit autobiography of Bama this notion of Gray becomes rather flop. Bama’s language becomes radical and unconventional. In dalit autobiography language becomes a real representation of everyday activities without any omissions of cultural aspects. Her two works like Karukku and Sangati picturize the life of her own community through her own dialect. This dialect is the central part of her work. When Dalit writings go hand in hand with political activism and

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