Daily Life Of Greek Culture

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As a professor of the classics and author of, Garland, Robert. Daily Life of The Ancient Greeks. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1998, Robert Garland is a most qualified person to write this book. Even with such extensive literary and academic experience, however, he does not allow it to cloud or skew his perspective; rather, he merely shares the information in a way that is both neutral and captivating. His critical use of resources spans the ages by including such classics as Homer’s Greek mythology, historical documentation (primary) and incorporating the work of other authors who have published works on a particular aspect of Greek culture (secondary). The vastness of Garland's (2008) reach into ancient Greek culture proves even more expansive when one considers just how many separate issues are covered in this intellectually historical documentation. Following a thesis that cites the mysterious nature of Greek history, Garland (2008) goes on to break a number of mythical misnomers that have traveled through the ages and draws in his readership with myriad little known facts. Comprehensive in both scope and detail, the author strives and achieves a compilation of such grandiose stature that anyone who reads through to the last page will most definitely be an amateur Greek historian. The value of this book rests in its ability to paint a vivid mental image of any given day in the lives of ancient Greeks, an impression made infinitely clearer with truths rather than myths. The evolutionary value of Garland's (2008) research provides a better understanding as to what influences the ancient Greeks had upon contemporary culture. It is through these documentations that social scientists, as well as the general public, can grasp a clearer indication of their own actions in relation to their Greek ancestors. Greek law, for example, set the stage for all

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