D.H.Lawrence Early Morning At Home

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Marta Bierina Text analysis on fragment "Early Morning at Home" from "Sons and Lovers" by D.H.Lawrence. The text is about working-class life particularly a morning at miner’s house. The text is a part of an autobiographical novel which gives the reader event reliability. The main character or the protagonist is Mr.Morel, the miner. Other character is his wife. The main character is described by his actions and conversations whereas his wife by description (e.g. “She had a winsome face when her hair was loose.”) and conversations. They have no great conflicts; they are more at quarrel about daily needs. The text refers to several semantic domains – miner’s family life and character’s everyday life, and lexical words are known to a general audience. The mode of the text is defined by the action/reflection axis – it displays signs of spontaneity such as chains of clauses connected with coordinating conjunctions like “and”. Despite the lack of linking adverbials which link meanings together the text is still coherent. The text seems to have been produced in real time as it gives a detailed description of character’s activities. Repetition („And the first sound in the house was bang, bang of the poker against the raker [..]“) in the text is used to focus reader’s attention and emphasize the beginning of miners work day. Another repetition “two slices of bread and butter” is used two times in the text to stress frugality and poorness – living on minimum means of subsistence. The text is narrative with few dialogs in where it is seen the speech difference between minor and his wife. Minor speaks in Nottinghamshire dialect with colloquial vocabulary having low and informal diction. The effect that the author is trying to achieve through the use of a specific type of diction is give a sense of location and show the diversity of the English language in different

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