Cypw Level 3 Childcare and Young People's Workforce Diploma - Health and Safety Workpack

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CACHE LEVEL 3, HEALTH AND SAFETY WORKPACK Task 1links to learning outcome 1.1 Task 2 links to learning outcome 1.2 In my setting lots of children are independent, due to that we have to cater to everyone’s needs while they are left in our care. We always uphold the rights of children and value them by knowing what they like and dislike also by making sure their needs and interests are always put first. Understanding and believing that every child matters, all of the children are unique but we treat them all fairly and give them the best of our ability. As well, part of the duty of care is to know when to intervene and support a child during their illness or with on-going behavioural, social or emotional difficulties. In our setting we use they correct procedure for example – if a child has had an accident or fallen ill at nursery we always follow the correct policies, using the correct equipment and liaising with parents/carers also practitioners if needed, record what happened in the accident form and keep a copy for the school then give a copy to parents/carers. Another part of duty of care is to meet every child’s physical, emotional and psychological needs by showing emotions, feelings and concerns to parents when around them, making sure lots of interaction is used and communication is a must in order for the best help/support of development comes from those who know the child best. Each child has a key worker which is the main person that observes them and knows them the best out of everyone else. If the key worker notices a difference in the child’s behaviour or looks. If the key person feels like it’s out of their hands they speak to whoever we feel necessary. For example go straight to the child’s key worker or another practitioner that the child knows or go straight to the teacher/manager if the teacher or manager feels that the situation is also out of

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