Cypop 3.6 Essay

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CYP 3.6 – 1.5 M | Explain how and why referrals are made between agencies? If a child is already in a setting such as a day nursery or nursery school, it might happen that the parents and staff recognise that he or she needs support from another setting. For example, a child with hearing impairement may need to be referred to a support service for children who are deaf or hearing impaired. Panels are usually organised by local boroughs and are made up of different agencies. These panels determine the access that is available between settings for young children and enable referrals to be made. Such panel aim to: Support the early identification of children's needs. Ensure that a child's needs are identified and assessed quickly and referred to the appropriate setting. Monitor children's progress to ensure that provision can support the child's identified needs. Coordinate provision through the development of close partnerships between parents, settings and different agencies in the state, private and voluntary sector. With parental agreement , suppport inclusion in mainstream early years settings and referrals between settings. Early intervention teams have been set up in England to work with children with additional needs from birth to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. In every there is an early intervention team that will be part of the multi-agency panel, enabling to be made between settings. An Early Intervention Team: Promotes inclusive practice. Provides advice, support and training to settings. Supports transition into school. Liaises with parents, carers and multi-agency professionals involved in supporting children and families. Ensures that parents are fully aware of and involved in any referral
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