Cyp3.3 4.1 Essay

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Unit CYP3.3 Safeguarding training On the 18th February 2014 I attended Safeguarding Training at Flying Start Head Office in Camborne held by Sharon Cowburn. During the training we spoke about several items which may be important in the future when a child may be in danger of harm, another staff member could be doing something wrong and if anyone had a concern; what must they do about it? We looked at cause for concern sheets and how they worked, we had to fill one in using a case study of a girl who had marks on her body, her parent and brother speaking to her in an inappropriate way, she had been “bullying” other children at the nursery and using adult language. We were explained to the process of a cause for concern and how they are dealt with when they leave the setting and get sent to a higher person; in this case it would be Sharon. We were given handouts on how to deal with certain issues, and numbers to call if we may have an issue in the setting. we were told how to “whisteblow” and what the purpose of it would be, and how this also gets dealt with. We also looked at the signs, symptoms and types of abuse and how they can be dealt with. Assessment Criteria 4.1 There are 4 types of abuse, physical, neglect, emotional, and sexual. The signs and symptoms of physical abuse are:- Unexplained recurrent injuries or burns- this means when a child or young person keeps getting injuries or burns. Wearing heavy clothing to cover up injuries, even in hot weather- this means when someone is trying to cover up the extent or amount of injuries a child or young person has, they will be wearing a lot of clothing, too much for a certain heat; or weather. Refusal to undress for PE or games at school- this means that a child or young person may be scared to take off clothing, and wear less (for example; shorts), they won’t want to show other people their
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