Cyp Core 3.4 - Level 2 Childcare

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Understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety. Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services. There are many different factors to take in to account when it comes to planning both indoor and outdoor environments and services that are safe and healthy for example you need to take in to account the age of the child/children; taking this information on board means you know if the child is safe for example in a swing, on a climbing frame or sitting up a height. Another important on is the development of the child for example a child may be well developed and able to sit in a swing with no cross bar, but you will not know this until you have looked in to the Childs’ information so it is essential you find out about them. Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. Health and safety guidance can be found in the EYFS and or the health and safety executive. In an early years setting there are legalisations. Legalisations are set by the law and must be carried out in every child care setting. The polices are put in place by the head teacher of the setting or the manager. The polices range from setting to setting but they all have guild lines. They detailed documents that all staff must follow. The staffs make sure that they carry out the proceeds in the setting and make sure they use the guild lines to do this; When it comes to keeping a child care setting safe there are several things you need to take in to account for example; Electric tests, to make sure every piece of electrical equipment in the child care setting (building) is safe and will not cause electrocution. This should be done when a

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