Cyp Core 3.3, Lo 1: 1.4

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 Serious case reviews are carried out when a child dies, been neglected or abused or suspected to be a factor in the death or death may have been suicidal. The local safeguarding children’s board can decide to conduct an SCR, this could be when a child has been seriously harmed and the situation gives out signs to look thoroughly at a concern about the way the local professionals and services worked together to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. This could be a child that puts up with a potentially life-threatening injury, serious or permanent impairment of physical, mental health and development, this can be through neglect or abuse. A child could have been seriously harmed and this could be subjected to sexual abuse. A parent may have been murdered and a domestic homicide review will need to be taken, this comes under the Domestic Violence Act 2004. Or it can be a child been harmed from another child or adult. After the reviews the LSCB will order a report from an independent person who will have all evidence and make recommendations. The local authorities must then notify Ofsted of every incident involving a child that is serious enough to then have a serious case review; this is whether the child has died or has serious harm from abuse or neglect.  Serious case reviews will have the importance of, sharing information and communication, keeping an correct timeline of events, overcoming the problems of hard-to-reach families, clear planning and roles, good assessments of the child’s case, working with agencies that parents may be getting services from and early acknowledgement of a child that is in need of protection by services.  Sometimes a public inquiry is done after serious incidents. The public and different organisations can give evidence and can listen to spoken evidence given by others. This is then produces as a written report
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