Cyp Core 3.1 – 3.1 Explain How to Monitor Children Using Different Methods

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Observation, assessment and planning all support children’s development and learning. Planning starts with observing children in order to understand and note their current interests, development and learning. Observation: This describes the process of watching the children in our care, listening to them and taking note of what we see and hear. Assessment: We assess children’s progress by analysing our observations and deciding what they tell us. We can identify the children’s requirements, interests, current development and learning. Planning: We plan for the next steps in children’s development and learning. Much of this needs to be done on the basis of what we have found out from our own observations and assessments as well as information from parents. Narrative A method of recording child observations; which is a written description of children's actions as they are happening. The observer will record everything seen and are written in the present tense without the use of jargon. The observer must try to record in as much detail as possible verbal utterances, facial expressions, head and eye movements and how the child uses objects such as toys or play materials. Advantages • Very detailed • Focuses on all behaviours, not just one particular behaviour; more than one area of development is recorded • Does not require any preparation; only need a pencil and paper Disadvantages • Time consuming • Works well for observing one individual, but is difficult to use when observing a group • May not be able to record everything, due to events moving quickly. Anecdotal records A brief narrative that describes an incident of a child's behaviour that is of interest. They are accounts consisting of or based on second-hand accounts rather than first-hand knowledge or direct observations. Advantages • Is a useful tool for recording the child’s
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