Cyp 3.6 Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People

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CYP 3.6 Working together for the benefit of Children and Young people L.O’s 1.4+1.5 Explain common barriers to integrated working and multi-agency working and how these can be overcome Explain how and why referrals are made between agencies On reflection of the Victoria Climbie case (just nine years old when she died) at the time there was ineffective communication between childcare agencies, there has been several new policies and procedures brought since this case to prevent any more tragedies from happening again. In particular there are policies in the areas of safeguarding and of course ‘Every Child Matters’ (September 2003). There is a very strong message to those who work with children to be extremely highly trained in their profession, in particular - their communication skills, which personally I think is the way forward. Team work can be very challenging, its the way we communicate within a team that is most effective. Multi-agency practise take place where children spend most of their time and feel secure - this could be a children’s centre, school, health centre etc. It is important to realise what some of the barriers to effective working might be:- Where people have been clearly trained for a role they may find it odd to be managed by a person with different skills and expertise (which could happen in settings such as children’s centres) They may behave in a different way in dealing with risks and have different priorities in their work practise with children They may not be used to sharing their expertise and knowledge Each profession may have their own language-termology only recognised by their own profession They have chosen a specific profession and may feel upset that they have to widen their working practise and find new ways of working In order for these working partnerships to be successful, it is important that every
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