Cumberland County Courtroom Summary

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Cumberland County Courtroom Summary by Sue King For Criminal Justice 330-D03 LUO George Buzzy May 4, 2012 Cumberland County Courtroom Summary On May 1, 2012 at approximately 4:10pm in courtroom 352-A in the Cumberland County courthouse several cases was observed by this learner. The Cases observed were criminal cases which did not take on a jury; but all other parties in the courtroom group were present. This learner observed all parties involved, the legal issues, all evidence presented, the final outcome of the case, the rationale that was given for the sentence imposed; this learner will also reflect on the overall criminal process governing the cases observed. The Courtroom and the Work Group The Courtroom that this learner observed was located downtown Fayetteville North Carolina; the courthouse set in the middle of downtown Fayetteville; the courtroom was courtroom number 352A. When entering the courtroom this learner observed the regular courtroom work group and how all parties where in place. The judge was facing the front of the courtroom wearing a black robe. On the right of the judge sit the clerk of court and to his left was the witness stand. In front of the judge about twenty feet there were two tables; to the judge right was the prosecutor table and to the judge left was the defense attorney table. Standing on both sides of the judge were the court officers; to the left of the judge was the jury box but there was no jury instead two defendant were sitting there with bright orange outfits on. The first row of the courtroom was reserved. The courtroom workgroup was separate but yet seem very close; they worked together to get the task accomplished. In the American courtroom the actors are there to play out the guilt or innocence of the defendant and to judge the truth (Levenson, 02/2008). The defendant charges. This learner

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