Cultures And Society

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Jason M. Cultural Anthropology Final Paper 8/13/10 Skateboarding as Part of Our Culture Skateboarding has a huge impact on our society and is a big part of our culture. A lot of things can be drawn from skateboarding. It has its own slang language, and has a whole bunch of words derived from it. Its own industry basically drawing out things such as: apparel and shoes, music, skateboards, competitions and is an art in its own. One of the most influential skaters of all time shows this first hand. “I consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle and a sport.” What is culture exactly? Out of our book it talks how culture to an anthropologist is different then what it is normally thought of so there might be some confusion. defines culture as “the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.” The book refers to culture as the customary ways of thinking and behaving of a particular population or society. The culture of a certain social group may include things such as its language, music, work habits, gender roles, hobbies, religions, and so on. The list of things it brings to us is the building blocks of our society and basically makes us who we are. People look and label you by each of one these characteristics. Out of those you are almost going to be in a category with each and every one of them. You might be the stay home mom that loves to golf and be the leader of your bible group, or perhaps be a single male who listens to ACDC and who loves being a firefighter so much that you don’t really want anything else. This people are pretty easy to visualize because culture makes it easy to do so. In my opinion, culture is the basis of civilization. Without it the world would be a chaotic form of anarchy. There wouldn’t be any rules, laws, regulation, morals or ethics, and people wouldn’t have

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