Culture Shock Essay

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Culture shock is the impact of moving from familiar culture to unfamiliar culture. Culture shock occurs to people who have moved abroad to study or live. Also it can feel even though when people is on a holiday abroad. It includes that people have got a new environment and have met new people. It also includes that people have being separated from important people like family and friends. If people do not feel familiar sounds, sights and smells any more, people will miss them very much. Also if people are very tired and exhausted, they may be upset and annoy easily from small things. Also there are lots of causes and effects of culture shock like climate, food, dress, language, social roles and rules of behavior. So this essay will describe causes and effects of culture shock occurring when people have met the new culture. There are many causes of culture shock like physical things for example, the climate, food and dress. Firstly, the climate could be a cause because many countries have a unique climate. For instance, England is very grey and cloudy always. This weather cause that people are depressed and feel down. Many people also may have an impulse of suicide because of this weather. In addition, people are difficult to get used to weather because some countries have a sun shine many days and hot summer. Besides, the sun rises up at 8am and goes down at 4pm in winter but in summer, it rises up at 4am and goes down at 9pm. As a result of this weather or climate, many people can be felt strange and difficult to get used to. Secondly, the food is big gap because the main menu is different. British usually eat cereal with milk in the morning. Also some foods have too much oil like fish and chips and sausages so some people are getting fatter. Besides, they usually have the dessert like pies, drink and fruits and it is common to eat fast food like hamburger or
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