Cultural Dimensions Of Cell Phones

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Cell phones are fascinating to me. I still remember my first experience of buying a cell phone in 2003. I was in India. I was very clear about the kind of cell phone I wanted to buy. It had to be a Nokia and a slim phone. The design aspect of cell phone was very important to me, probably because of my aesthetic inclinations and the fashionable image that I wanted to project. When I came to the USA in 2004, I was still concerned by the fact that my cell phone should look stylish and must have all the latest features in it. It definitely had to be better than the one I had in India. However, in a couple of months my ideas about cell phone changed. While in USA, the most important aspect of having a cell phone was to be able to connect with my family in India. It was this realization that cell phones are not only a communication device but also have a cultural dimension that made me want to investigate the various roles that cell phones play in our lives. I was interested in learning about how and why the meanings of cell phones change in our lives. Because while I was in India, it was the cultural aspect of cell phones, that is, its fashion potential was extremely important and when I came to USA, its ability to help me connect with my family became important. The changing context and circumstances had impacted my ideas about cell phones and its role in my life. Although communication is what cell phones are primarily designed for, the cultural or the fashion element associated with cell phones can’t be neglected. In his book, Cell Phone Culture, Gerard Goggin (2006) explains the importance of investigating the cultural dimension of cell phones. He explores the cultural dimension of cell phones through various standpoints - history, production, design, consumption, representation, and media convergence. He uses the example of cell phone manufacturers such as
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