Cultural Differences in Business

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Cultural Differences in Business Cultural differences directly impact on the one’s who needs to do international business in several ways. Firstly, there are huge cultural differences in communication between people from different countries. In some cultures, people are loud, direct and interrupted others during a conversation. In other cultures, people are soft, indirect and patiently. Cultural differences in communication is not also knowing the correct way of greeting and addressing the business partners but also understanding the power of hierarchy. Secondly, the value of time is different. Some cultures, people can do one thing at a time, point out at the schedules and agendas and break down the words. On the other hand, people can do variety of tasks in the same time, like changes and do not disturb by schedules. Thirdly, some general cultures you have to focus on. For example, arriving few days before meeting to avoid jet lag and dressing appropriately for the occasion to make a good impression. In shorts, improving levels of cultural awareness can help companies avoid cultural conflicts at work or while doing businesses. Cultural differences are concerned with communication and gestures of the people. The first point is how to communicate with people in different countries. Most of the people in Asia countries avoid conflicts and always save faces when they communicate to each other (indirect communication), while people in European countries are direct and say what they mean (direct communication). The second point is gestures. Our body language often conveys more than the words we use. Gestures that are not annoying to you might be very annoying to the other. Almost every gestures using fingers is sure to offend someone, somewhere, or sometime. As a rule of thumb, it is best to avoid using
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