Cu1530 Promote Communication in Health and Social Care

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Unit – 50118195.CU1530- Promote communication in health social care. Good communication between people is fundamental to successful health promotion, whether it happens in the context of a consultation with a patient, a conversation with a colleague or a request to a manager. Good communication means clear, unambiguous two-way constructive exchange, without distortion of the message between when it is given and when is received (Ewles and Simnett, 1999). The ability to communicate is closely linked to how people feel about themselves. People with low sense of self-esteem tend to be over-critical of themselves and to underestimate their abilities. This lack of self-confidence is reflected in their ability to communicate. For example, they may lack assertiveness and thus may either fail to speak up for themselves, or react with inappropriate anger and even violence. Many clients will need to learn how to feel better about themselves before they can communicate better with professional and others. This requires opportunities for life skills education. These skills include how to improve self-esteem, and how to communicate and relate to others in a morally responsible manner, with respect for oneself and others, and with sensitivity towards the needs and views of others. Part of my job description is to support patients with providing them with options and available resources to help them overcome or improve their skills in communication. One of the examples is a local Leeds City College that provides employment skills training program for service users and with the course service users can learn how to build their confidence, communication skills and how to cope with difficult situations. Through this course Service Users can explore their education, volunteering-employment or personal development opportunities. As a health support worker, I may encounter
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