Crux Of The Matter

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J.K. Rowlings Commencement Speech In 2008 J.K. Rowling made a speech that made many points about being human and about many human capability’s. She also makes many points about the inner life of human beings. J.K. Rowling makes many points about the capability’s of being a human being. One of J.K. Rowling’s early points in her speech she says how humans have the power of empathy. “The power of human empathy, leading to collective action, saves lives, and free prisoners.” In the book The Crux of the Matter it says that human empathy is apart of the human essence, human essence says that humans are responsible beings they reason, they can relate to other humans, and humans can change. Another capability she states is humans have the power to learn and understand. “Unlike any other creature on this planet, humans can learn and understand.” The Crux of the Matter says that humans have the power to adapt which is another human characteristic. By humans having the power to adapt they have the power to learn, by humans learning they are adapting to vast differences. Also by humans adapting they understand their new differences. She also says how humans can sympathize for one another. “One might use such an ability to manipulate, or control, just as much as to understand or sympathize.” The power to sympathize is an aspect of the Human Essence in The Crux of the Matter. It is an aspect of the Human Essence because humans have the power to understand other humans In J.K Rowling’s speech she makes many points about the Inner Lives of human beings, the Inner Life’s of humans is what humans are what humans are able to feel and think. One point she makes about the Inner Life’s of humans is they have to use their imaginations “They can think themselves into other people’s places of course, this is a power.” Imagination is stated in the inner life part of The Crux of the
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