Crossroads Between Dreams and Time

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Crossroads between dreams and time The poems “When I have Fears” and “Mezzo Cammin” reflect on prospect of death yet their conclusions are different. Several devices are used in these poems to help categorize and explore the story and situation of the poem. “When I Have Fears” by John Keats shows a man who works hard in life but wasn’t able to reach his goals. In “Mezzo Cammin” shows a life that was wasted but vibrant. John Keats explores the situation at his poem through metaphors. He says “When I behold, upton the nights starr’d face,” (Keats 5). This line is a metaphor which characterizes the night as closer of his life. In line 7-8 he characterizes the loneliness of the speaker and regrets that is life is ending “I may never live to make their shadows, with the magic hand of chance.” This was a metaphor that he will never possess the chance to explore true love. Lastly in lines 9-12 the speaker explains that if he finds love it won’t be able to last long which means he will not be able to experience it “And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, that I shall never look upon thee more, never have relish in the faery power of unreflecting love..” Mezzo Cammin is categorized as a poetic work reflecting on the failed accomplishment. In lines 9-12 of Mezzo Cammin imagery paints a picture for the reader of the vibrant kind of life that the speaker was into “though, half-way up the hill, I see Past lying beneath me with its sounds and sights, - A city in the twilight dim and vast, with smoking roofs, soft bells, and gleaming
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