Cross Cultural Diversity

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Cross Cultural Diversity and Conflict Resolution By Riley Caron Everyone has a culture. Cultures split people, sending them in certain directions and away from other paths. Cultures also create certain ideas or senses about the world around them and these ideas conflict with other cultures. Some cultures may believe one thing to be important or ordinary while others might find these things to be different or strange. Culture is when people within a society view things differently than people outside the culture. When people do not understand other peoples cultures, conflicts may arise. Cultures are often judged and to begin finding conflict resolution for culture we should consider some aspects about culture. For example, culture has multiple layers and what you may view as a culture on the outside of a person may be a symbol for something completely different. Since you cannot judge a book by its cover, getting to know these people and understand what their culture really is about is key to avoiding cross-cultural conflict. Cultures are also constantly changing and adapting as the world changes. To understand and have a deep knowledge about a culture you will most likely have to spend a lot of time learning the true meaning of it. Cultures and conflict go hand-in-hand because most conflicts arise through the judgement of identity and identity is closely related to culture. Conflicts between countries such as India and Pakistan fighting over Kashmir are not only about territory but also about each other’s identity and how they are representing it.[1] The difference between how each of these countries live, and practice their cultures is also a part of the conflict is possession of land. It is not just between countries either; cultural conflict can arise between genders and age. Teenager’s parents probably lived a life with
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