Critique on "Developing a Lexicon for Descriptive Analysis of Soymilks"

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Day N’Kouka, K. & Y. Lee, S. 2004. Developing a Lexicon for Descriptive Analysis of Soymilks. Journal of Food Science 69: S259-263. The main objective of this article was finding a way to describe the sensations one encounters when introduced to different soymilks. The article flowed in a way that described their samples, their subjects, the training of panelists, the presentation, how the samples were rated, and how then the analysis of the results. The article was written in a logical order but also had some weaknesses that I will point out below, along with other positives. First of all, the title is makes the articles purpose very clear. You were made aware exactly what the article would contain as you continued reading. The abstract was very well written. It was extremely brief, but got to the point and quickly described how the tests would work for the panelists. I feel that the abstract leaves no questions about what the focus is. It quickly describes how the test was administered and also touched on the results. It stated that “thirty-one terms were identified to describe soymilks.” I was actually baffled by that. It actually made me want to keep reading to find out how this was possible and what people came up with. As I continued to the article’s introduction, I became rather confused. One negative critique in this area is the near overuse of references. It almost broke up the wording too much. The overuse of the “beany” characteristic was also staggering. They kept explaining what is considered “beany” and why they don’t use it. I kind of felt that the introduction was not very needed. The Materials & Methods section was a very strong part of the article. The sections were broken down perfectly. The soymilks were explained in depth, they explained their nine panelist (I did think it was odd that there were 7 females and only 2 males, however),

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