Critique Marketing Theories

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Critique of Marketing in Actions Marketing theories and principles provide guidance for marketing activities in business practices. Theory is summed up from practice, so theory will always be examined in practice. Good marketers need always consider how to implement marketing theories into marketing practices according to the real market situation. In this essay, I am going to use three samples to examine the implementations of marketing theories and principles on real world actions. The theories and principles are Defensive Marketing Strategy, Differentiation and Standardization Strategies, and Building Customer Loyalty Strategy. 1. Defensive Marketing Strategy In a highly competitive market, companies face challenges from other companies, defensive strategies are used to reduce risk of being attacked, to weaken existing competitiveness of competitors. Defensive strategies strengthen company competition status, reduce imitation capacities of competitors on most valuable resources and maintenance company competition advantages. According to Kotler Keller, there are 6 defence methods including position defense, flank defense, preemptive defense, counteroffensive defense, mobile defense and contraction defense. There are some other researches offering two defensive strategies. Strategy one is to choose a variety of ways and attempt to block challenger from taking offensive actions, for example to increase manpower to expand or deepen company core competences in key areas, to increase company flexibilities, to expand company product lines, to launch new models, or to sign exclusive contracts with authorized dealers and distributors. Strategy two is to send challenger the signals that challenger’s attacking will be strongly fought back to persuade competitors not to attack, it can be done by first

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