Critically Evaluate The Relationship Between Langu

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The definition of language: “the means of human communication, consisting of the use of spoken or written words in a structure way.” Oxford English Dictionary (2006, pp.423) When looking at language in the wider sense of the word it relates to any means of communication a person may use to enable them to get their message across, this could be based on visual as well as audio for example sign language, body language and/or written. Language is adaptable; the type of language and the way in which we use it generally varies depending on our surroundings, our environment and who we may be communicating that language to. Power is very often usually demonstrated and achieved through language; people often use this power in the way they communicate to enable the receiver to understand quite clearly the power relationship between the two, for example the way in which a teacher would speak to their pupils would illustrate the power of responsibility the teacher has other them. The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought (1999) describes power as; “The ability of its holders to exact compliance or obedience of other individuals to their will” This suggests that the persons in possession of the power is in some way in a position to exert the dominance of their ideas and as a response is then able to coerce the others involved to obey and then respond. The idea of ‘will’ which relates to the persons on the receiving end who often finds themselves in the opposite position or finds themselves in a position where they feel that they may not have much choice in the matter, signifies the role of power. In other words it could be said that those holding the power dictate and determine the actions of our behaviour; for example the knowledge of knowing that if you break the law you could end up getting arrested shows clearly that the police force holds a role of
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