Critical Review on Silas Marner

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AP Lit Critical Review The theme of this play is that war is a continuation of business by other means as well as that war can make human virtues fatal. “I must get back in the business.” That’s just what Bertolt Brecht shows in 1939’s “Mother Courage” after 154 pages of children’s deaths and a mother who keeps on like nothing happened. This play really downplayed how mother’s react to their children being murdered, especially in times of war. Being a mother, you’d expect Mother to care about her children dying but she kept on as if almost nothing. Every time one of her children died, she’d pack up her little wagon and go about her way. Everything to her is about business. Being a canteen wagon woman, they make their living off of trading and making profits from the soldiers during the war. When soldiers came to take Eilif away, all she does is take her wagon and run off with the cook. She also does not acknowledge the death of her son Swiss Cheese when she is asked to identify his body, all she wanted to do was forget and keep going. The play mentions she hopes to see her son again but doesn’t show any sympathy from her part. The other theme is that war can make human virtues fatal. This lesson appears in the beginning of the play when Mother herself tells her kids why they will die. When her eldest son Eilif admits to wanting to join the army after the Recruiting Officer attempts to seduce him, she tells the children they will die due to their virtues: bravery, honesty, and kindness. Brecht often uses the irony of this foretelling with the characters themselves. For example, Mother is often a coward herself not a tough woman, and Eilif who is known for his bravery is more of a murderer than a brave hero. The characters in the play were tremendously great, except for Mother Courage. She does not show emotion when her kids die. Even though she does what she
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