Critical Film Analysis: a Raisin in the Sun

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Cedric Sanders English 4370 The film's title is from “A Dream Deferred”, a poem by Langston Hughes: What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? Critical Film Analysis: A Raisin in the Sun The play opens with the five members of the Younger family working very hard to support one another, living in a small one window roach-infested apartment, and sharing a bathroom with the neighbors across the hall. This impacts each of the characters as the hard work they have undergone is taking a toll. In addition, although life is less than happy, they are ambitious for change. A $10,000 check is coming in the mail that could ultimately give them a better life. Until this check comes, however, they all have hopes and dreams of what can be done with the money. Mama’s dream of how to spend the money is the main dream, because it is the one that goes through. I don’t think Mama had too much of an education as most African American people in the 1950’s did not, because Mama uses the money to help her family and does not even think about investing it to make more. Granted in the era of this film $10,000 could go a long way, still she has no value for money, just what she believes to be best for her family. Mama buys a house for the Younger family and gives the remaining money to Walter to disperse for himself after putting a set amount in a bank account for Benethas schooling(again $10,000 went a long way in the 50’s). The dream that Ruth had was to move into a bigger and better house. Beneatha’s dream is the one that like Langston Hughes poem “Dream Deferred” it “just sags like a heavy load.” meaning that maybe you know that what you dream can never be anything more than just a dream, and it pulls you down that you feel you cannot pursue them. Beneatha had no other choice but to realize that all that she had believed in since her youth

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