Critical Analysis of Veritgo

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Critical Analysis Film: Vertigo Authority and manipulation is played strongly in one of the most classic Hitchcock’s films of all time, Vertigo (1958). Through the analysis of visual imagery and camera angles, it allows the audience to explore how the male protagonist, Scottie’s masculinity and power is used to control, manipulate and change Judy in order to succeed his replacement of the death of his lover, Madeline. Film techniques has been effectively used to portray Scottie’s use of authority in order to change Judy to fit his obsession with Madeline. When Scottie and Judy are at Ernie’s Restaurant having their first date, Scottie is spotted by Judy looking at a woman who was similarly dressed in a grey outfit as Madeline. This effectively portrays Judy’s vulnerability and pitifulness as she is a constant reminder of only Madeline through Scottie’s eyes; this is also supported through her sad facial expression and her looking downwards and then back at him. Through this scene, it consents the audience to explore how Scottie’s deep memory of Madeline authorises and startles Judy as Judy is only seen as physical representation and replacement of Madeline for Scottie. In addition, when Scottie takes Judy clothes shopping, he is trying to find the ‘perfect grey suit’ for Judy; ‘No it’s not it. Nothing like it.’ Judy on the other hand, is clearly represented as fragile and inferior through the effective technique of the close low angle shot which displays her uncomfortable and abandoned emotions through her facial expression when Scottie rejects her preference and doesn’t listen to her: ‘But…eh I like that one Scottie.’ ‘No no it’s not right.’ Then followed by the employer, ‘the gentleman seems to know what he wants.’ The audience then witnesses Judy constantly looking towards the ground and not able to make eye contact to Scottie. This scene strongly

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