Criminal Justice System Paper

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Criminal Justice System Paper CJA/204 Criminal Justice System Paper The criminal justice system is complex with all the different components and processes that make it up. The justice system is not perfect in how it handles every case when officials have their own self interests involved in the cases, but justice will prevail when the truth comes to light. There are three components that make up the criminal justice system and they are the police, courts, and corrections system [ (Schmallager, 2009) ]. The system begins with a crime or discovery of a crime. According to [ (Schmallager, 2009) ]”a crime is a violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or local jurisdiction, for which there is no acceptable legal justification or excuse”. A crime can consist of murder, theft, kidnapping, hijacking, assault and battery, conspiracy, and arson to name a few [ (Schmallager, 2009) ]. When the police are called to a crime they must locate and interview witnesses if possible, locate and hold possible suspects, find evidence, and try to find out what really happened to conclude if there is a crime or not. If the police determine a crime has taken place they will either make an arrest at the scene or have a judge issue an arrest warrant for the suspect(s). The arrest of the suspect(s) is a serious step as police believe they have enough evidence for the courts to convict the suspect. When an arrest is made the police must advise the suspect of their Miranda Rights before questioning a suspect can begin as anything a suspect says to the police cannot be used against them and be thrown out of court. When the suspect is brought to the jail they go through an administrative procedure called booking where the suspect is finger printed, personal data is collected and are read and have to sign a statement that they understand their Miranda Rights.

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