Crimes Against Children

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In today’s unfortunate violent world we are poised to watch our every move for ourselves and the ones who can not defend themselves…Children. Everyday it seems that a child is some how hurt, abused and possible killed. So what areas do parents, teachers and law enforcement officials need to concentrate on in order to ensure children are probably provided for and cared for? This research and presentation will allow the current facts and procedures to be discovered in order to make sure our children our safe. Assaults on Children Assaults on children can include a broad area of types of danger that children are exposed to and what they can become victims of. Children can become victims of crimes that range from the time they are born all the way up to the age of 18 when they are officially adults and not longer considered children. Assaults such as, Battered Child Syndrome, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is just a few of the crimes against children of a very young age ( Swanson, Chamelin, Territo, Taylor, 2006). Children are also physically abused and the results are sometime deadly as well. Children can be physically abused by many different means as well which can begin at the early stage of toddler all the way up to teenager. Children can receive marks on their bodies from physical abuse that will involve being hit with objects or arms, legs or feet. Some objects will include everything from a simple oven spatula to belts with raised studs on it as well. Unfortunately some cases of abuse will sometime result in possible death by the severity of the abuse or the environment in which the child is living in. In 2003, children age 0-4 had a homicide rate of 3 per 100,000 and 200 involved 2.5 per 100,000 ( Bennett, Hall, Frazier, Patel, Barker, Shaw, 2006). Homicides of infants are more likely to be committed by a family member or friend
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