Crime and Deviance

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In terms of crime and deviance describe some of the ideological differences between Marxist and functionalist perspectives The Marxists and the functionalists examine culture and societies but have a very different approach in the way that they view crime and deviance. Marxist ideas originally came from a man named Karl Marx, his views were that we live in a capitalist society with two basic classes one being proletariat and the other bourgeoisie. The proletariat is the lower social class or working class while the bourgeoisie is seen as being the ruling or upper class. Functionalism is a perspective first created my Emile Durkheim, he believed that society is a complex system made up of parts that work together to create a stable society so for example education, government, policing and family. This essay will examine some of the differences between marxist and functionalist perspectives when it comes to crime and deviance. From a traditional marxist perspective capitalism is an economic system based on an unequal system between two classes. This system will always benefit the bourgeoisie due to them owning the means of production including land, machinery, businesses and factories, these are all things that provide a wage or means of living to the proletariat. Working under capitalism exploits the proletariat as workers are often paid minimum wage, the ruling class dictate the working conditions and whether the working class will be hired or fired. Crime and deviance is defined by the ruling class to protect their own interests. Traditional marxists believe the reform act introduced throughout the 19th century worked in favour of the capitalists, laws were passed to strongly protect private land while very heavy penalties were imposed for minor theft, extreme poverty was not taken into account. They would also argue that the working class have unequal
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