Crime and Deviance

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The debate on why crime and deviance takes place has been on-going for many years. They are both looked down upon but for different reasons as crime is when an individual breaks a formal rule such as the law and deviance is when an individual break societies accepted norms and values. Biologists, psychologists and sociologists all have their own reasons and beliefs of why crime and deviance takes place. Lombroso believed if someone was a criminal, they were born as one. He said this because in his eyes if someone’s biological features were different, for example they had an extra finger or toe they were automatically a criminal. He even went to the extent of saying that those individuals were ‘less evolved than normal people’. Psychologists looked at a person’s traits rather than genetics. For example if someone has the impulsive trait, they would commit a crime without thinking about it and thinking about the consequences first. Sociologists look at the social aspects rather than biological factors or genetics. They believe that meanings, norms and values are meant to be taught by families and parents and when parents fail to carry this out for example by not paying enough attention they are inadequately socialised. It is said to be that when thus takes place it makes the child/individual more prone to committing criminal acts. This can also happen when the parent is committing criminal acts themselves. Another reason which is believed to cause crime and deviance is from relative deprivation, this is when a person feels deprived compared to others around them. Then in order to attain what they lack they commit crimes. Marxists also have a very similar belief. They believe that capitalist society also leads to this deprivation which creates competition and then people resort to crime to ‘keep up with the neighbours’. Low unemployment also plays a very large
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