how crepes are made

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How crêpes are made Crêpes are a French culinary specialty consisting on a very thin layer of dough, spread on a frying pan and cooked on both sides. But crêpes are much more than a dessert. They are the emblem of Brittany (a French region). As a matter of fact, brittany is the region of creperies, which are restaurants specialised in cooking crepes. The crêpes recipe is really easy. First the dough is prepared at least one hour before the crêpes are made. The dough is made with flour, eggs, milk, salt, butter, sugar containing vanilla, and rum. 8.8ounces of flour are poured in a mixing bowl. 4 eggs are broken into the bowl. Then a half liter of milk is progressively added as the dough is mixed with a whip, and the sugar containing vanilla is added. The dough is left to rest. Crêpes are then formed in the same way as pancakes. When the frying pan is warmed, a half ladle of dough is poured on it. The pan is shaken energically to cause the dough to spread to cover the whole surface of the pan. Once the first side is cooked, which requires several minutes, the crêpe is turned on the other side. That is the moment when the crêpe is filled with some ingredients such as sugar, butter, jam or chocolate. Finally the crêpe is presented by folding its four edges to form a square. A important distinction is made between crêpes prepared with white flour and crêpes prepared with flour of buckwheat, which is darker. As a matter of fact, these two kinds of crêpes are eaten in different ways. White flour based crêpes are filled with sugarized ingredients, whereas buckwheat flour based crêpes, called “galettes”, are rather salted. A typical “galette” is filled with eggs and ham, but a large range of ingredients are also added in galette such as seafood, leeks and mushrooms. Crêpes are eaten all year round in France but especially during the “Chandeleur”, which is the feast

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