Credit Score Essay

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Why does society have to be in debt to achieve a good credit score? A person’s credit score can have an overwhelming affect on achieving their life goals. Your credit score is a method to assess your creditworthiness. The three national credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. The mean credit score for the different groups is determined on different factors. Banks, employers, apartment complexes, and mortgage companies look for critical qualities to see if a person is eligible. Improving your credit score can get you closer to achieving your goals. A credit score is a technical and statistical method of assessing your creditworthiness. Credit scores are based on several different factors including your credit history, amount of outstanding debt and the type of credit you use. Negative information, such as bankruptcies or late payments, is also used to calculate your credit report score; as well as collection accounts and judgments. Insufficient credit history and/or too many credit lines with the maximum amount borrowed are also included in credit-scoring models to determine your credit score. There are three national credit bureaus each have their own version of the FICO score with their own names. Equifax has the Beacon system, TransUnion has the Empirica system, and Experian has the Experian/Fair Isaac system. Each is based on the original Fair Isaac FICO scoring method and produces equivalent numerical results for any given credit report. Some lenders also have their own scoring methods. Other scoring methods may include information such as your income or how long you've been at the same job. There are five different credit score categories. 780+ is perfect, 720-780 is excellent, 675-720 is average, and 620-690 is fair and below 620 is low. Usually 35 percent of your score is based on payment history. 30 percent is based on outstanding debts. 15
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