Crash Speech -Overcoming Adversity

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“Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you” Jeffrey Gitomer. Adversity is an unavoidable experience of hardship and pain that everyone has to go through. Overcoming adversity is achieved as the individual accepts that everyone experiences hardship and has the will to fight that hardship that they are experiencing. In some cases however adversity is not overcome. Adversity is not overcome as the individual makes poor choices due society’s ‘ruling’ which guide their lives. The film Crash explores these ideas of hardship and how they can be overcome through one’s fighting will and how society’s influence prevents adversity from being overcome. Adversity can be overcome as the affected individual forgives the offender. Christine was molested by a police officer John Ryan. She was violated and experiences emotional trauma, which has stripped her of her power. The film uses mostly close up shots in this scene mainly to display the pain on Christine’s face but also to show dialogue between the characters. She was later then involved in a car crash and the same officer tried to rescue her. She immediately recognises him and screams “Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! Keep away from me!” Through this quote it is completely clear now what affect the incident had on Christine that she would risk her life to not let this man touch her. Eventually she places her trust in him as we could see her lying on top of him as he tried to free her, which symbolizes intimacy. Due to this event Christine understood that no matter what kind of despicable acts a person has done, there is always some good that shines through. It can be seen through this scene that she overcame her internal conflict of having power stripped from her thus overcoming her adversity. POV shots are used effectively in this scene to allow the
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