Course: It273 Unit: 8 Assignment Network Concepts

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1. Complete the review questions A. A(n) surge is a momentary increase in voltage due to lightning strikes, solar flares, or electrical problems. B.Phishing occurs when a person attempts to glean access or authentication information by posing as someone who needs that information. C.Online backup is a fault-tolerance technique in which one device or component duplicates the activities of another. D. Clustering is a fault-tolerance technique that links multiple servers together to act as a single server. E. Encryption is the use of an algorithm to scramble data into a format that can be read only by reversing the algorithm. 2. Using the seminar case; list some of the security breaches being practiced by the employees at the agency. Well with the employees leaving there passwords and usernames on post-its notes on their computer, well they are leaving there computer open for security treats. Anybody could walk in thier office thats not employee and get valuable information like clients back accounts and sociel security numbers. 3. Create a security checklist for the Banana Tree Travel Agency! Equement Security Insptect all computers after employees leave Use locks on all computers Secure all the equiment keys Password Security The office supply each employee a username & password. Store password in secure location. Require each employee to logon to each workstation at the same time and log off at the same time. Record and secure any password settings created by the employees Workstation Security Confuigre each computer with privete IP addresss Install anti-virsue software on each computer Anti-virsues checks 2 times per a week Software up dates 1 time a week Operating Sytem updates 1 time per a week Restrict Guest from using the employees computers 4. List three viruses and how they affect network security, integrity and

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