Counselling Session Reflective Essay

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Page 1 Counselling sessions were designed to help people work through a range of personal issues from depression, relationship issues, addictions, grief, anxiety and potentially life threatening situations. This reflective essay has been drafted from a real life counselling session, which was undertaken by a professional counsellor. In this reflective essay, I put theory to practice by reflecting and analyzing a fifty minute couselling session. Before the counselling session I was very unsure of what to expect and extremely nervous as I had not previously attended a professional counselling session. On my way to the session, my feelings of nervousness and anxiousness become stronger as I practiced the things that I was planning on saying. I began rehearsing in my head what I wanted to talk about and which issue I should focus on. I thought about the possible questions the counsellor may ask and how I would answer them (Geldard, D, Geldard, K 2012). I walked into the office for the appointment and checked myself in with the receptionist. After checking myself in, I sat in the waiting room. I started to feel a little calmer as the lady who sat next to me started a conversation about the new batman movie, asking me if I had seen it and my thoughts on the movie. By having a conversation with this lady it helped me to take my mind off the session and stop worrying, it also made me less stressed. About fifteen minutes later I was invited into a consultation room for the session. I was not sure what to expect with my counsellor, but as it turns out, she was very welcoming and made me feel comfortable and safe. She made me feel as though I could talk to her about anything with no judgment or feeling as if she was analyzing me. I was intent on applying myself and having an honest session in order to

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