Counselling in a Diverse Society

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Pippa McIntyre D/601/7630 Counselling in a Diverse Society Level 4 Tutor: Kay Rooke Word Count: 2,200 Unit Summary: In this unit, learners will explore the impact diverse culture and heritage can have on the client /counsellor therapeutic relationship in a multicultural society. They will also examine power issues within the counselling process. 1. Understand issues which affect counselling in a multi cultural society. 1.1. Using examples, evaluate the relevance of the following in the counselling process. * Stereotyping Stereotyping can lead to groups and individuals being categorised, which in turn may produce prejudiced beliefs. In the counselling relationship there is potential for stereotyping from client to counsellor and vice versa. A client who experiences a lifetime of racial stereotyping may bring any residual feelings to counselling (McLeod 2008). Counselling remains a prominently ‘white’ profession and therefore dependent on the client’s experiences of racial stereotyping the counsellor may be viewed as part of a white racist majority. The therapeutic relationship may be affected where a white counsellor is working with a client from a black background. Furthermore due to historical influences working with a white counsellor may evoke feelings of rejection for the client. This has the potential for the client to view the counsellor as part of the problem. These influences may result in the client resisting the process or the presence of transference feelings (d’Ardenne and Mahtani 1998). * Language Issues Historically for client’s with language issues as a result of a learning disability the benefit of counselling has been undervalued. Counselling can be an extremely positive experience and given time along with the use of appropriate language, for example through the use of symbols or pictures. A client with a
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