Coun 603 Dating and the Single Parent Critique

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Dating and the Single Parent by Ron L. Deal: A Book Critique Liberty University Dating and the Single Parent by Ron L. Deal Author Ron L. Deal, examines the issues of single parents who date and the complexity of the dynamics of blended families. Dating becomes more complex when there are children involved. Careful consideration must be made not only about who one dates but also why. Deal (2012) explains that there is a difference between “coupleness” and Familyness” and that when single parents begin to date they need to look beyond the excitement that is often felt when beginning a new relationship and determine if this individual would make an appropriate partner that would work with you in forming a healthy family unit (p. 12). This is important because two people may work well by themselves but when the kids are involved the situation may not be so great. The author explores the faulty logic regarding the need to “find the one” and instead teaches the reader how to “become the one.” This book is divided into three main sections; Getting Past Butterflies and Warm Fuzzies, Going Fishing, and Marital Commitment and Stepfamily Preparation. The first section addresses dating within God’s guidelines and works to dispel major myths regarding dating. Discussion included issues of affection including kissing and hugging and how to avoid giving into sexual temptation. It was suggested that a mentor be obtained to help during times of temptation to help maintain sexual purity. Scripture was provided relating to the importance of sexual purity. In making the determination of readiness in dating, one should make time to reflect upon past dating patterns and results. This will help in deciding whether one is repeating the same pattern over and over again or if maturity has been occurring through the dating process. Where is God in the dating process? Is God

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