Cottrill Inc.

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Executive Summary Cottrill Inc. had a 1 week trial with Saxton’s pagers but had a major technical issue with them near the end, which has so far been resolved. Whether Saxton’s pagers will have additional problems is unknown. Cottrill Inc. equipment failures can cost the company around $200,000 per hour and on average have problems once a week. Judy want to make the right decision in regards their pager supplier, which could result in a great annual saving for Cottrill Inc., or possible problems which could create a massive loss. Through analysis, it might be safer to stay with Tallant or prolonging a trial period with Saxton to ensure stability. The risk of loss from new pagers malfunctioning may prove overly costly when compared to the savings. Furthermore, Judy should be doing more research for alternative options, or perhaps using her position of power to do more negotiating. As well, the possible savings from this decision is miniscule compared to the departmental cost reduction goal. Her attention should be focused on other cost cutting methods. Conclusions have been drawn from the following analysis. Quantitative Analysis: First we have the information which is given in this case study: • Existing pagers = 20 (1 has been bought and does not require monthly fee) • On average 1 warning/malfunction a week • Cost of malfunction for Cottrill Inc. = $200,000 / hour or $3333.33 / minute • Tallant cost for 1 pager = 16.95+1.95+11.90+(60/12)= $35.80 / month • Saxton cost for 1 pager = $13.95 / month Annual cost of choosing Tallant = 35.80x12x19+(35.80-11.90)(since 1’s been bought) = $8187.30 Annual cost of choosing Saxton = 13.95x12x20 = $3348.00 Annual savings if choosing Saxton = 8187.30-3348.00 = $4839.30 We were also presented with the dilemma that they encountered a major problem during trial. Cottrill’s systems group had to reprogram and rework

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