Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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Perfection is defined as the quality or condition of being without flaw. Rather than a reality, perfection is more of an ideal, yet people try to get as close as they can. In Korea, one out of two women have had plastic surgery before, and this translates to how surgery is becoming a popular solution to many insecurities as well as deformities. As children we are taught, without even realizing it, to prize beauty. People of every race and culture have gone to extremes in the name of beauty – from foot-binding in China, to dangerously constricting corsets in Victorian times, to nose jobs in 800 B.C. India. While plastic surgery has been around since ancient times, it has only recently become accepted by the masses. People who have undergone cosmetic surgery are often labelled as being ‘fake’ and ‘modified’, as they have chosen to alter their features to one that they believe is more flaw free, and they are often condemned for ‘amending’ the natural look that they have been born with. Instead of being fake, cosmetic surgery can be seen as a form of permanent make-up. Make-up is widely used as a type of touch up to a person’s face, such as using blusher to redefine your cheekbones or eyelid tape to get double eyelids. Similarly, cosmetic surgery achieves the same effect, only permanent. If the usage of make-up to make yourself look appealing is generally accepted, why is the undergoing of cosmetic surgery receiving criticism? Plastic surgery can help to boost confidence and vitality. In the case of cosmetic surgery, think of the procedure as an overhaul, much like adding that new roof or coat of paint to a car. No one is completely happy with their appearance. No matter whether it is their wrinkles, their bodyweight, or even their breasts, there is always that one thing a person wants to change. With cosmetic surgery, people are now able to ‘customize’ their

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