Cosimo de Medici

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Cosimo De Medici was born in Florence 1389. Cosimo’s interests were Politics, Banking and Patronizing, However mostly Politics. When he was a little boy, he collected coins, medals and vases. His works were Politics, Banking, Patronage and Trading. His father (Giovanni) was the most important men in Florence. After his father died in 1429, Cosimo took over the family business. Cosimo’s success was taking over his family business, be involved in Politics and was the richest and powerful man in Florence. He also kicked out the Ablizzi family in 1434. Cosimo’s failures were that The Ablizzi family (his enemies) managed to arrest him and he failed to escape. However when he was in jail, Cosimo bribed people to get the charges dropped; he was set free however failed to stay in Florence so they ordered him to leave Florence. Cosimo’s legacy was after the next 30 years, after The Ablizzi family was sent away, he made his family even richer and he was the most powerful man in Florence. For most that time he brought peace to Florence. He avoided wars by doing deals with nearby city-states. He was also a banker to the Pope and to the government, and paid the largest tax bill in Florence. When he died in 1464, they wrote Pater Patriae on his tomb. It means ‘Father of the Country’. The people that supported Cosimo were his family and friends, however, if your tax bill is varied, it is according if you supported Cosimo or not. One of Cosimo’s close friends was Donatello. However he treated him like a close personal friend. Donatello returned to Florence, after a long stay in Padua, he knew that if he was criticized he would produce better work. However Cosimo was prepared to criticize him. The people that were Cosimo’s enemies were The Ablizzi family, The Pazzi family, The Strozzi family and The Acciaioli family. They were all together violence and were all
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