Corruption in European Football

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Corruption in European football Football or the official name is Association football - the most “popular team” game in the world where two teams play against of each other with the ball in a special field of 100-110 m X 64-75 meters with the gate. Players are divided into teams of 11 people. Goal of the game - running or passing plays across the opponent's goal line or kick it through the air between the opponent's goal posts with any part of the body except hands. Soccer - the most popular sports game in the world. The history of "foot ball" has a lot of centuries. There were different ball games similar to soccer, played in the Ancient East (Egypt, China), in the ancient world (Greece, Rome), France ("pas sup"), Italy ("Calci") Personally I think that the origin of football takes it place in ancient Greece. Greek ball game was popular in various forms in the 4th century before the Christ, as evidenced by an image of the boy who was juggling the ball in ancient Greek amphora, stored in a museum in Athens. Among the warriors of Sparta were a popular ball game "episkiros" which was played with arms and legs. This game the Romans called "Garpastum" ("hand ball") and little modified rules. It is thanks to the Roman conquerors these games became known in the British Isles, quickly gained recognition among native Britons and Celts. And after these times football has been developing. First in the history football club was established in England. This club was "Sheffield United". However, officially the year of birth of modern football is 1863, when at a meeting of representatives of various schools and clubs dedicated to the development of uniform rules, proponents of the "football-rugby", which allowed to play with his hands but they were in the minority and left the meeting. Soccer - the greatest, supreme and magnificent sport in the human history (IMHO). World

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