Cookie and Me

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Movie Poster Book Report Form Title of Book: Cookie & Me Author of Book: Mary Jane Ryals 1. Brief description of the plot (including rising action, climax, and resolution). During the time of Civil Rights in the deep south, Rayann and Cookie meet on a dirt road and become really great friends. Cookie is the only colored girl in her grade, and she gets discriminated against, especially by the boys. Rayann and Cookie come from opposite ends of the social ladder, and they see that it’s not really okay for them to be friends. The carefree girls had to live in a world of violence and anger, because of the racial problems around them. 2. Is the plot believable in “real life”? Why or why not? The plot was quite realistic to me. It’s not hard to imagine that a young girl from this time would be stuck in a situation where her mother was in an ill state and her father is an alcoholic who really doesn’t care about her or her mother’s welfare. It’s also really easy to believe that a young white girl who knew no better could befriend a carefree black girl. The plot is quite classic, if you think about it that way. 3. Were the characters believable or unbelievable? Why? I found the characters very believable and realistic. I could really relate to this story, because of the fact that the main character is a teenage girl. The plot has a lot to do with the friendship of Rayann and Cookie. They are really easy to imagine. 4. What is the overall historical theme of the story? The historical theme of this story is Civil Rights, and the issue of segregation is presented multiple times in the text. 5. Describe the historical setting or settings of the story? (time period, geography…) This novel was set in Tallahassee, Florida during the 1960s. The book focused on the issue of Civil Rights and the segregation of blacks and whites. When reading the book, you
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