Controlling Organized Crime

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Controlling Organized Crime Organized crime has no simple definition but can be explained as a group of individuals who perform criminal activity with the goal of gaining money and power. This paper will cover a number of different aspects of organized crime to gain a better understanding of how organized crime works with a goal of determining ways to control this problem. Areas of Organized Crime Understanding the different areas associated with organized crime can help to determine what can be done to control these groups. There are a number of unique areas of criminal activity associated with organized crime. Racketeering, a term referring to organized crime groups participating in more than one of the other criminal activities associated with organized crime. Victimless crimes or vice operations that are crimes that do not have a victim (The Challenge of Organized Crime, n.d). Vice operations can include activities such as gambling, drugs, and prostitution. Another area is theft, which is the illegal taking of goods that are redistributing those goods for financial gain. Gangs and terrorist groups are other areas of criminal activity that can be associated with organized crime. Gangs use violence, fear, intimidations, and criminal activity to increase power and reaching the group’s goal. Terrorist groups commit acts of violence and terrorism for political and religious aims set by the group. Problems Presented by Organized Crime A number of problems caused by organized crime can be seen. One problem is the amount of money lost to organized crime. This money is lost in a number of ways one including the billions of tax revenue dollars that go uncollected from organized crime that causes higher tax rates for law-abiding citizens (Mallory, 2007). Money is also lost through law enforcement, criminal prosecution and imprisonment expenses that can cause

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