Consumer's Rights: Consumers International

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As consumers’ it is imperative to insist organizations not only recognize but support our rights world-wide, through ethical business practices that do not violate our rights or the laws that support them. While consumer’s rights are predominately philosophical in nature, they are viewed as ethical standards by consumers and becoming more prevalent in today’s global economy. Consumers’ rights are not unified or recognized globally but mostly replicate the United States’ Consumer Bill of Rights which establishes a consumer’s right; to choose, to safety, to be informed, to be heard, to seek redress, and to privacy (Thorne, Ferrell, & Ferrell, 2011). Consumers’ rights have yet to be mandated directly but are supported through the implementation of other government regulation and Acts; like the Child Protection and Toy safety Act that was enacted by the United States in 1969. Consumers International (CI), a non-profit international federation of consumer groups that was founded in 1960 and consists of more than 220 organizations in 115 countries, recognizes two additional consumer rights; the right to satisfaction of basic needs and the right to a healthy environment (The Global Voice for Consumers, 2011). CI’s advocates for the direct implementation of consumers’ rights but currently supports the enforcement of consumers’ rights through their campaigns and projects that focus on global issues that negatively impact every consumer. CI’s goal is for consumer’s rights to heavily influence an organizations decision-making process and to obtain safe and sustainable products and services globally. In support of their goal, CI campaigns about international matters on behalf of the global consumer, in an effort to hold corporations accountable and to force government action on consumer matters. CI’s campaigns and projects vary widely and cover numerous subjects to

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