Conservation V Exploitation

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Conservation and exploitation are incompatible goals in the management of fragile environments. With reference to examples, discuss the extent to which you agree with the this statement Conservation is the protection of the environment and the preservation of ecosystems and beings within in from neglect and harm. Exploitation on the other hand is using the resources within the environment for human benefit. Fragile environments are areas that are vulnerable to problems due to their careful balance and equilibrium developed over time. If this equilibrium is broken severe problems can ensue. Exploitation can have a problematic consequences, this is due to carful equilibrium the areas are in. Food webs and chains are reliant on certain species and breeds existing and without those the whole web can break down. This can occur for example when deforestation occurs due to the exploitation of the rainforest. The primary producer in the chain is taken away meaning there is no food available at other trophic levels. This can not only mean animal’s habitats are destroyed but there food is taken away as well. Exploitation could also lead to greed and further exploitation over time as people become greedier and look to increase incomes further. This could occur after gaining money from initially small scale exploitation and moving on to larger ones. It is unlikely, unless strictly enforced that authorities will be able to stop some individuals from using the natural resources in some areas. This could be because the areas are very poor, so do not have the funding to stop it or because the area being exploited is covering international boundaries so political intervention is difficult again in less developed countries. It may also be difficult to manage these areas due to lack of knowledge or finance in the less developed areas. This poses further problems that people may
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