Conformity And Social Justice

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Conformity and Social Justice Social Psychology Conformity is recognized as a change in behavior or belief due to the influence of others, and whether it is on purpose or not people tend to conform on a regular basis within society. Even if it is simply buying the newest pair of Air Jordan’s or getting a haircut to match that of Justin Bieber, we as individuals naturally seek to fit in and be included within mainstream society. Within the idea of conformity the concept of normative social influences is something that is quite prominent in today’s society. Nobody wants to be left out or disliked by their peers so conforming is simply expected if anything. Asch’s line judgment study greatly displayed this theory through its ability to garner results from its participants both individually and while in groups. Although at first participant’s showed resistance to conform it was only a matter of time before they were stating the wrong answer in hopes of being jointly correct with the rest of the group. This was seen as a form of compliance because the patients began to act in a manner which they believed would lead to acceptance within group even though they knew that the answer was wrong. Moreover, I myself have experienced normative social influences which resulted in my transition to compliance through many interactions with my friends. For example, I am a very serious person when it comes to the movies that I like so there are very few which I hold in high regard. With that being said, whenever I do go to see movies I always go with a large group of friends and we always seem to get into little arguments at the conclusion of every film. I personally enjoy movies which have a purposeful inner meaning as opposed to needless blood and gore, but every now and then I get dragged out to such films. So, in order to avoid conflict with my friends, which is almost
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