Conceptual Metaphor Theory

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Conceptual Metaphor Theory Tsameret Samuels WS 2010-11 He is at the peak of his health… health health image metaphern = einzelinterpretierung ‘her waist is an hour-glass’ (Ahrens: 273). The visual image of the hourglass is mapped onto the waist. Result: mental representation of curved waist in the brain. Image Metaphern: nur eine(visuelle) Ebene des Konzeptes Ab 1980: George Lakoff und Mark Johnson: Conceptual Metaphor Theory “our concepts structure what we perceive…and how we relate to other people. Our conceptual system this plays a central role in defining our everyday realities. If we are right to suggest that our conceptual system is largely metaphorical, then…what we do every day is very much a matter of metaphor”. (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980A: 3) 1. Most of our concepts are abstract-concepts like TIME, EMOTIONS, COMMUNICATION, THE MIND, IDEAS… 2. …Abstract concepts are defined metaphorically in more concrete…terms-concepts like SPACE, MOTION, FOOD, OBJECTS, etc. 3. However, no single, concrete, non-metaphorical concept is ever structured in exactly the right way to completely…define any single abstract concept. 4. As a result…each metaphor defines only certain aspects of an abstract concept. (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980B) Das Conzept der Idee — For example, the concept of an IDEA is defined by a rich and complex cluster of metaphors. Ideas are people (X is the father if the idea), ideas are plants (the ideas of his idea were planted in his youth), ideas are products (he produces ideas at an outstanding rate), etc… — Verbreitete Conzeptuelle Metaphern (behandelt bei Lakoff) — TIME IS UNDERSTOOD AS MONEY (the flat tire cost me an hour, I don’t have time to give you). ARGUMENT IS WAR (he won the argument, I attacked his position). Orientational metaphors: GOOD IS UP, BAD IS DOWN (drop dead, at the peak of somebody’s health,

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