Computerized Inventory System

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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and the Background of the Study Introduction Today, the use of computers is very common, for the fact that computers are very helpful. “Computers could help you to provide solutions and easy to find your records for a quicker access. From an agricultural and industrial age, we are now in the world of Digital Images, Internet, and the World Wide Web. We are now in the transition of information society from an agricultural and industrial society.”(Robinson, 1829) Business and commerce are now fully aware of the computer’s capacity to analyze records, collect and process accurate amount of data in a short span of time. “Information plays a big role in an organization and even to an individual since from the start of the agricultural and industrial age. Information is being used in different business organization as part of different business systems.”(Loberio, 2009) Several Businesses and establishment have been focusing on the enhancement of the system technologies, the people who are the customers, employees, developers and etc., can do anything in an easier and faster way because of the Technology Innovation. “Modern computerized business Information System are no longer just transaction based. Processing of large amount of data for routine business transaction is now being developed by computerized Information System.”(Robinson, 1829) Inventory System is one of a computerized Information system. In this study, researchers will develop an Inventory System with Barcode Reader in order to keep track and get easy and access to the records. It supports barcode reader for faster check out and inventory control. This will help organize every detail of the business for how many products were sold and are currently being delivered to the customer. Nowadays, many business firms are adapting to this technology because of its specialty with
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