Computer Privacy Issues

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Computers are fantastically useful resources. They help make our work and home lives much easier, and provide instant access to information at the touch of a button. The problem, however, comes when you realize that you are not the only one able to push those same buttons. Everything that is put into a computer or onto the World Wide Web can be accessed again, putting everyone’s privacy in jeopardy. Many people are largely oblivious to major privacy issues computers have created, and are unequipped to safeguard themselves and their information. Computer privacy affects many different areas of daily life, including home, work, school, and businesses. Each of these areas has unique privacy issues associated with computers. Computer privacy in schools is a huge concern, particularly in schools with students who have unsupervised access to computers. Everything that is put onto a computer is stored and able to be retrieved. Students must be taught to be careful about what they put out onto the web. Many schools have measures in place to safeguard students from accessing potentially harmful information with the use of pop up blockers and website restrictions. These restrictions do little, however, to prevent students from transmitting personal information that can lead to potentially harmful consequences. Another issue with schools and computer privacy is the monitoring of students’ computer usage teachers and administrative staff. The school has access to everything the student does on a school computer, and can use that information against the student. Unfortunately, there is not much students can do about these privacy issues being that they have no vote in school policy. (Ellis, 2013) Schools should make sure students are informed if they will be monitored so they may act under these expectations when using school computers. Another area where
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