Computer Misuse in the Uk

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What is meant by the term ‘computer misuse’ and which laws apply in the UK? Computer misuse is the collective term for a range of criminal offences committed by means of a computer and via the use of the internet controlled by the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (as edited). These offences include computer hacking, the denial of distribution of service and the creation and distribution of viruses and other malware (MURRAY, 2010, p. 329). His definition is one that has given room to the future inclusion of more activities that can or may be considered illegal. This supports the idea that indeed there is not yet a precise definition for the term “computer” misuse but only the use of common terms which are subject to amendment as behaviour begin to be considered to be against the law as suggested by Lloyd (2000, p. 223). A different definition of computer deception is one where information technology equipment is used in influencing computer programs or data in a dishonest way. It can also be committed anywhere that has the presence of an Information Technology system was a solid cause in the execution of the deceit (HM Treasury, 2001). The meaning mentions information technology equipment in general but does not specifically mention exactly what type of computer must be used in committing computer crime as in modern day, a computer can vary from a car to household equipment. It also is specific only on two crimes, the manipulation of computer program or data dishonestly and fraud. Because it is so specific, it has allowed for the exclusion of all other computer crimes and computer related crimes such as defamation, online harassment, hacking, theft, unauthorised access and many more. Another definition for computer misuse is that by the Council of Europe which states that it is a crime that is committed over the internet such as defamation, fraud and

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